The Media Event of the Year ™ celebrates 15 years
Show set for Friday, Nov. 1, all for a good cause, the
Children’s Aid Foundation of Canada.
TORONTO — It’s hard to believe that it’s been 15 years since Newzapalooza burst out of the newsrooms of Toronto, like ink-stained hacks sprung from cages on a last chance power deadline (sorry, Bruce). For the uninitiated, the annual event — cooked up by the late, great newsman Jonathan Jenkins — gives media types a chance to show off their musical chops, or lack thereof, on the big stage.
On Friday, Nov. 1, 2019, at The Opera House, 735 Queen St. E., four bands made up of hacks from the various media outlets will take to the stage to raise money for the Children’s Aid Foundation of Canada in our 15th anniversary show.
Over the years, Newzapalooza patrons and awesome sponsors have raised more than $180,000 for the foundation, which provides scholarships and supports for vulnerable young people who have been taken into the care of children’s aid societies.
We’re delighted to have Siri Agrell, journalistic trouble-maker and executive director of OneEleven, as this year’s host. Our most excellent panel of celeb judges includes CBC’s Angeline Tetteh-Wayoe, Chief Commissioner of the Ontario Human Rights Commission Renu Mandhane, Slate’s chief music critic Carl Wilson and, drumroll please, John Tory, mayor of Toronto!
Special thanks to this year’s growing list of sponsors, which includes The Opera House, Long & McQuade Musical Instruments, Toronto Star, Toronto Raptors, Torq, Left Field Brewery, Bandit Brewery and One Academy. There will be promotional draws for cool stuff the night of.
Doors and the bar open at 7 p.m., and the show will begin at 8 p.m. Tickets are $25 ($15 for students) and are available here, at the door and from members of the media bands taking part. The Opera House is a kid-friendly venue, but minors must be accompanied by an adult.
For more information, visit, like us on Facebook and follow @Newzapalooza on Twitter.
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