Hey all you Newza kiddies, it is with heavy hearts that the Newzapalooza organizing committee announces our attempts to emerge from a two-year COVID hangover for a return to our usual November show proved a bit premature. The challenges of reconvening and creating new media bands left us with not enough confirmed entries to make a go of it. Thus, the show we scheduled for Nov. 4, 2022 at The Opera House is officially cancelled. Hats off to Athena and The Opera House for being sooooo understanding.
That said, after 15 great years, we are not done, and hopeful that will be able to bring the battle of the media bands back to the stage.
With that in mind, we welcome input, encourage media bands to get together and turn it to eleven, and ask you to stay tuned for future news.
Give a holler at rankinjim@icloud.com.